Hey sis...let me ask you something...

Do you feel like you're "Meant For More" but you're not sure what "more" really is?

Does your heart BURN for revival and to see heaven on earth in your sphere of influence?

You know God has created you for "just a time as this," but you're waiting your turn for your purpose and anointing to be ignited?

You know you're meant to be a voice but you need some support to know what it looks like to live a prophetic lifestyle...

Are you looking for faith-filled besties to pray with (and for) and to do real life with?

Do you have a deep desire to encounter God in a powerful way, to make a major impact, to be equipped, activated and live full out in the dream God placed in your heart?

Then you're in the right place and it's TIME to ignite your purpose and dare to do all that God has called you to do because you ARE Meant For More...


Hi! I'm Charity Majors and I've got an invitation for you...well, it's actually more like a "Dare..." and an invitation to take a step of faith...

Think of it kinda like an activating of your purpose + prophetic collective + women's ministry + faith-filled bible study besties + igniting your Big-God-Sized dreams + kick your booty into massive action into igniting REVIVAL with the biggest supporters cheering you on every step of the way,  all wrapped up in one place, designed to encounter God,  ignite your God-given identity, and dare to do all that God has called you to do...for just a time as this...and to see heaven come crashing into earth.

It's called the Meant For More "Prophetic Collective"

It's my Ministry's Membership Community of Modern Day Faith-Filled Women who are encountering the power and presence of Holy Spirit, being equipped in their God-given identity and gifts, igniting their purpose, who burn for revival and to see heaven come crashing into earth in the BEST way possible...

...and I DARE YOU TO BE A PART of what God is doing in this community...

Who Is This Meant For More 
Prophetic Collective For?

Those called to influence Culture: aka-modern day Revivalists, Esthers, Deborahs, Giant-Killers, Dream-Chasers, and Believers of a BIG God who can do BIG things.

Faith-filled women who believe spiritual gifts aren't just for those on staff at church (because by-gosh, you can pray some pretty powerful prayers, and you hear God's voice too)!

Women who desire to walk unapologetically in their identity as a powerful and loved Daughter of the King, inspiring others to do the same.

Those who are called to be a Voice in today's world and want to turn their tests into their testimony.

Those who know they are called to lead and guide others, while at the same time, being lead by God. 

Women who want to confidently hear and know God's voice for their lives, their families, & their communities.

The one's who have a deep desire to know and be known by God and confidently share His heart with others.

Leaders & those who think it's time for Christians to walk fully alive in their God-given purpose (inside and outside the 4-walls of the Church).

The modern-day Christian woman who loves women's groups at Church, but needs a bit more convo than "diapers & laundry."

Those who pour into others and need a watering hole to be filled themselves (yes, this includes you too-mama-the one with the big dreams on her heart who is also juggling #momlife).

Those in the marketplace who desire to grow in what it looks like to be a "marketplace minister" and bring heaven's solutions to the business world

Your heart BURNS for revival and to see God's Kingdom COME, on earth as it is in heaven

If you want to be equipped to live a prophetic lifestyle

Ready to accept your DARE to join the Meant For More Prophetic Collective and get equipped to bring Heaven to Earth in your Sphere of Influence?

Your monthly membership supports Meant For More Ministries


Learning how to live a prophetic lifestyle, walk in your identity and ignite your purpose and to walk fully alive in all that God is calling you to is one thing...going at it alone is a whole 'nother story.  We aren't meant to be on this journey by ourselves...especially as Believers.

God created us for community, and as modern-day "Esther's," with BIG dreams on our heart, it's TIME for us to come together, pray for each other, support each other, draw out the potential inside, and ignite our light to shine so the world can know how AWESOME God is.

The time is NOW to dare to do all that God is calling you to do, be all that He is calling you to be, and make the world look a lot more like heaven...


So, what's all included in the Meant For More 
Prophetic Collective Online Membership Community?

Your monthly membership supports Meant For More Ministries to continue to host events & create resources to equip daughters of God

Monthly Encounter + Equipping Calls

Each month, we will have an online connection & equipping call, designed around a monthly theme, so that we can not only hear God's heart for our world, but learn what it looks like to connect to each other and walk together in the journey of activating our faith.

Think of this kinda like your time to be equipped...it's not just more information...it's the place where what's inside of you is activated.

This is where our believing becomes not just a reality (because faith without works is dead), but is supported by a faith-filled community who is willing to hold you accountable to live out - in your daily life - what God is calling His daughters to.

Our calls are on the 4th Thursday of every month at 10am PST/1pm EST

Prayer & Prophetic Ministry + Activation

We believe that God is coming for a pure Bride - one that is healthy, whole, and fully activated in her God-given identity.  This means that our community not only intentionally pursues healing and wholeness, but also is activated in spiritual gifts to be able to offer that to those around us.

You'll have the opportunity to not just receive prayer and ministry for what you may need, but also the opportunity to be guided - in a safe environment -  to minister to others.  We believe that walking powerfully in prayer and believing God for miracles isn't just for those on staff at church...it's for ALL of the (big C) Church as well.

Monthly Journal, Worship & Bible Study Prompts

You'll receive monthly biblical and spiritual journal prompts, worship songs and bible study readings that help encourage your personal relationship with God.

These are meant to help you "abide" and stay connected to Jesus so that from that space, your life can bear fruit.

Access To Our Digital Vault Library

You'll receive access to our ever growing digital vault library, where you can not only go back and watch past calls, but have access to different bible studies, guided journaling prompts, mini-courses, and more!

This digital vault is growing constantly and you will have access as long as you are a part of the ignited community.

Exclusive Member Events + Early Bird Discounts To Other Live Events

These are our JAM!!...although the Meant For More Ignitors is an online community and God isn't bound by space and can still do amazing things through computer screens, there is nothing that replaces the power of God's daughters coming together - heart to heart - for a common goal and purpose.

We have multiple events per year and you'll have the opportunity to join member-exclusive events as well as gain early bird access and discounts to other events that are offered to the general public.

Faith-Filled Facebook Community

This is one of our FAVORITE parts...the facebook group is your safe place to ask questions, connect with other faith-filled like-minded women, get feedback on the things you're working on, ask for prayer, as well as celebrate each other's success.

You'll be cheered on and celebrated every step of the way, in your journey of being Meant For More and you will absolutely know you are safe to be known, seen, heard, that you belong, that what you have to offer is valuable and that you have a seat at the table.
Ready to unlock the potential inside of you, be equipped and empowered to show up fully how God designed you with an incredible faith-filled community supporting you along the way?

Your monthly membership supports Meant For More Ministries

Don't Go At It Alone...

Too many Christian women journey through the highs and lows of pursuing their God-given purpose, being a big-dreamer, leader, a wife, a mom, a friend, a volunteer, a communicator, a modern-day Esther, going back and forth between sitting at the feet of Jesus like Mary and doing #allthethings like Martha, ALONE.  They try to navigate the crazy world we are living in, trying to do it God's way, while balancing hundreds of things, learning new skills, experiencing ups and downs, all while *waiting* for God to *finally* call them, choose them, anoint them, and launch them into their dreams...

As a result of trial and error, as well as looonnnggggg periods of "waiting on God" to be chosen, so many end up running out of time, money, energy, and even hope or belief in themselves (and sometimes God)...

After having personally been there, and seeing so many women struggle with this, I decided that enough is enough and created an opportunity to not only be poured into by faith-filled leaders, influencers, and women doing amazing things for the Kingdom, but to be activated to LIVE OUT their purpose and impact others with the unique gifts God has given you to help others...

This isn't just another online community.

We believe it's time to STOP safely hiding in the background and safely managing your dreams. God is calling His daughters UP and OUT and the time is NOW.

We DARE YOU to stop living in partial potential and dare to do all that God is calling you to do.  God uses broken people who are willing to follow Him and forge the future - with faith - that His plans are GOOD.

In a broken world, there has never been a more urgent need for Daughters of God to live fully alive in their God-given identity and "live a life worthy of their calling."

This is about bringing heaven to earth and igniting REVIVAL in your sphere of influence.

Your monthly membership supports Meant For More Ministries

For Those Who Are Willing To Dare To Dream
BIG Dreams With God ONLY:

  • You know you are called, but you aren't quite sure to what *yet* or you've seen glimpses of it but you're not quite sure how to make it happen.
  • ​You fall somewhere between the unforced rhythms of grace and the pursuit of the big God-dreams on your heart.
  • ​You can't help but think that if you could just share your story at a women's conference (or one day you'll write that book), you know that sharing your story would impact so many lives.
  • You know you were born for significance and you have a deep desire to make an impact.
  • ​You desire a faith-filled community of dreamers who you can pray with, dream with, and challenge each other to "go for it" when it comes to the big God-dreams on your heart.
  • ​You are tired of questioning whether or not you have a seat at the table of that you belong, and you're definitely tired of waiting to "be chosen" or "anointed" and wish it was "your turn."
  • ​You need to know which (of the many) dreams on your heart to take action on in this season.
  • ​Your spirit comes alive when someone talks about influence, leading, serving, and living on purpose for a purpose (including stories like Esther, Deborah, being a giant-killer, a prophetic voice, and especially being the hands and feet of Jesus to a broken world).
  • ​You believe that spiritual gifts aren't just for those "on staff at church" and want to see more Christ followers activated and walk in spiritual authority.
  • ​Your heart's cry is to know God's voice, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be in sync with His heart beat, and unapologetically follow His good plan for your life.
  • ​Your heart BURNS for revival and you're ready to be the IGNITOR in your sphere of influence

What Others Are Saying:

God wants you to do more than simply exist...as His daughter, you are called to bring Heaven to Earth...

Your "yes" to igniting your purpose and daring to be all that God has called you to be is the entrance point to the greatest adventure of your life...

We can sometimes miss what God is up to because we want more information, but we all know that faith is believing in something we can't quite see yet...

Put action behind your faith, say "YES" to the dare, and join the Meant For More Prophetic Collective today!

Your monthly membership supports Meant For More Ministries

Do I Belong?

Here are a few ways you'll know this is for you:

  • You're somewhere in the middle of not quite where you used to be but not where you want to be and you not only know there's "more," but you're ready for it...
  • You're a mix between a modern day Esther (called to lead), Xena the warrior princess (so you can chop the devil's head off), a disney Princess (because you're a daughter of the King and definitely want a real life sparkly crown), Sponge-Bob Square Pants (because we're all kinda dorks like that sometimes), and Mariah Carey (you worship with the best of 'em while at the same time, have a touch of attitude, sass and fun).
  • ​You are craving a like-minded, faith-filled and FUN community of women.
  • ​You are READY to activate the "more of God" in your life.
  • ​You want to turn your tests into your testimony.
  • ​You want to see and be a part of Revival 🔥
  • You're not perfect and definitely don't have it all together.
  • ​You've sometimes been 'not enough' and on the other hand 'too much' and just want to find the place where you belong.
  • ​You have a deep desire to grow your spiritual gifts and hear God's voice better.
  • ​You secretly think that you would be BFF's with women like Lisa Bevere, Jenn Johnson, Havilah Cunningham, Christine Caine, and other female spiritual giants in today's world.
  • We have a "collaboration over competition" culture. You MUST be willing to not only be in a supportive group of women, but BE a supportive woman as well. We rise together. There is no room for ego, tearing someone down, or gossip. PERIOD.
  • ​You want to see heaven on earth and be a part of living out that mandate in your sphere of influence
The Meant For More Prophetic Collective is a place where we learn what it looks like to walk in the identity of a loved daughter, where we ignite the prophetic and purpose inside of each other and dare to dream the BIG, crazy, amazing dreams that God has placed on our hearts. We dare to believe God is who He says He is and we dare to do all that God is calling us to do.

It's a safe place where we can be seen, known, heard, belong, and have a seat up at the table.

It's where we believe that the places you have been silenced, God is calling you to be a voice.

It's where we believe that where you've been held back, God wants you to step out.

It's where we believe the places you've played small, God wants to do BIG things.

It's where we believe the places your light has been dimmed, you are called to arise and SHINE.

If your spirit feels alive while reading this, then you KNOW this is where YOU BELONG.

Ready to ignite your purpose and dare to be all that God is calling you to be, along side a company of faith-filled women in a prophetic community?!

Your monthly membership supports Meant For More Ministries

Once you join, you'll receive access to all that the membership community has to offer...

We have a 30-day money back guarantee so if it's not the right fit for you, no worries...there is no extended contracts and you can cancel anytime...

No hard feelings...no problemo...we will still love you and happily release you to find where God is calling you to be.

Just email CharityMajorsTeam@gmail.com with 5 business days notice of your next billing cycle and we'll cancel your membership for you.

If you do decide to join the Meant For More Ignitors Collective, it will likely change your life and your world...forever...

(and we're gonna have a LOT of fun doing it...TOGETHER...)

Ready to Ignite Your Purpose and Dare To Be All That God Is Calling You To Be?!

Your monthly membership supports Meant For More Ministries

Meet Your Meant For More Mentor:

Charity Majors
Founder of "Meant For More"

Charity is an author, international speaker, author, podcaster, a soulful mindset coach and an online marketing business strategist, that has coached over 1000 women, all around the world, to bust through their fear, grow their confidence, and align with their purpose so they can grow their income, increase their influence and make a major impact.

Charity is the author of Meant For More; Igniting Your Purpose in a World That Tries to Dim Your Light, a #1 new release and #2 best seller.

She is a former TV host, the host to a popular Podcast called "Meant For More", and has been speaking, training, and facilitating transformational retreats, workshops and events for over 15 years.

She is the writer and creator of the prophetic devotional card deck called "The DevoDeck," which encourages and guides women through encounters with the heart of God, to know His word, worship wholeheartedly and helps them understand their true identity of who they are and who's they are as loved and chosen daughters.

Her expertise in psychology, confidence and equipping rising leaders, with her proven and proprietary Major I.M.P.A.C.T. Method, that helps lifestyle entrepreneurs, coaches, speakers and authors go from idea to launch to profit to impact.

She is a graduate of Bethel Supernatural School of Ministry and has learned from and been equipped by top leaders, speakers, trainers and pastors such as Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Hailey Braun, Bethany Hicks,  Dan McCollam, Laurie Anne Kendrick, Johnny & Elizabeth Enlow, Havillah Cunningham, John Maxwell, Jack Canfield, Lisa Nichols, and more.

God imparted and called Charity to create the "Meant For More" movement after going through the journey of losing a child...after journeying through the dark night of the soul and finding true healing as well as the impartation that each of us are divine miracles formed and fashioned by a Good Father, that we are each here on purpose for a purpose and that He works ALL things out for good, she is on a mission to ignite and equip the Bride of Christ to walk full out in her identity and to see the More of God manifest here on earth.

She is following the call to be a communicator, a community builder, a prophetic voice and activator of the spiritual gifts that God has given each of His sons and daughters (but especially His daughters).

Her favorite titles (besides loved, beautiful and favored daughter of the King) are “Babe” to her husband, Chris, and “Mama” to her son, Judah.  She believes that nothing is worth creating or building unless it comes from a space of healthy family and keeping the "first things first..."

She also is a recovering plant killer, a total book-nerd, loves to adventure around the world (and in the cute boho camper that her and her hubby remodeled) and doesn’t take herself too seriously (because there is enough serious stuff in this world and dance parties, messy buns with sweat pants are a must). 

She believes that modern-day Christ followers can be "normal," fun, powerful, see miracles, have a glass of wine, be influential, and are called to bring heaven to earth in their spheres of influence.  We are God's plan A for the world and it's high-time that we start acting like it.

She loves Jesus and a good glass of prosecco.  She blasts worship music and sometimes jams out to old school gangster rap because she used to be cool like that back in the day ;)  She finds herself somewhere in the middle of the unforced rhythms of grace and pursuing the big God-sized dreams in her heart, while juggling #momlife, date night, girl time, and sitting at the feet of Jesus.  Her favorite foods are Thai food and Mexican food (bring on the spicy stuff)!

One of her favorite days was when her and her family went to Africa and gave over 100 pairs of shoes to orphans and under served children.
Ready to say "YES" to activating the God-dream inside of you and be ignited?!

Your monthly membership supports Meant For More Ministries

Just in case you want a quick recap:

  • Monthly Connection + Training Calls: Each month, we will have an online connection call, designed around a monthly theme, so that we can not only hear God's heart for our world, but learn what it looks like to connect to each other and walk together in the journey of activating our faith. We aren't meant to dream-chase alone...THIS is the company of women that your heart has been longing for PLUS the equipping you need to make it happen.
  • Prayer and Prophetic Ministry AND Activation - We believe that God is coming for a pure Bride - one that is healthy, whole, and fully activated in her God-given identity. This means that our community not only intentionally pursues healing and wholeness, but also is activated in spiritual gifts to be able to offer that to those around us. You'll have the opportunity to not just receive prayer and ministry for what you may need, but also the opportunity to be guided - in a safe environment - to minister to others. We believe that walking powerfully in prayer and believing God for miracles isn't just for those on staff at church...it's for ALL of the (big C) Church as well.
  • ​Journal, Worship & Bible Study Prompts - You'll receive weekly biblical and spiritual journal prompts, worship songs and bible study readings that help encourage your personal relationship with God. These are meant to help you "abide" and stay connected to Jesus so that from that space, your life can bear fruit.
  • Access to our Digital Vault Online Video Library - You'll receive access to our ever growing digital vault library, where you can not only go back and watch past calls, but have access to different bible studies, guided journaling prompts, mini-courses, and more! This digital vault is growing constantly and you will have access as long as you are a part of the ignited community
  • Exclusive Member Events + Early Bird Discounts To Other Live Events -  We have multiple events per year and you'll have the opportunity to join member-exclusive events as well as gain early bird access and discounts to other events that are offered to the general public.
  • Faith-Filled Facebook Community - your safe place to ask questions, connect with other faith-filled like-minded women, get feedback on the things you're working on, ask for prayer, as well as celebrate each other's success. You'll be cheered on and celebrated every step of the way, in your journey of being Meant For More and you will absolutely know you belong and have a seat at the table. no more going at it alone, or being torn down by unsupportive people. We rise TOGETHER, as a company of women, fully going after God and His good plans.
  • Walking Full Out - In Your Identity - As a Loved & Chosen Daughter - Ignited On Purpose For a Purpose - no more wondering if you're chosen, if God has called you, or feeling like an outsider in God's redemptive plan for the world. The time is NOW to be activated into all that God has called you to be.
  • ​Bringing Heaven to Earth and Igniting REVIVAL in your sphere of influence 🔥
Ready to ignite your prophetic lifestyle and dare to be all that God is calling you to be in order to become a revivalist and bring heaven to earth?!

Your monthly membership supports Meant For More Ministries

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